This Subaru Impreza was stolen during the night from the owner’s residence located in the 15300 block of SE 155th Place in Renton. When the theft was realized, it was reported to the Renton Police Department who verified the theft and entered the vehicle information into the state and federal crime computers which automatically activated

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This Honda Civic was stolen during the night from the owner’s residence located in the 11400 block of SE 186th Street in Renton, Washington. When the theft was discovered the following morning, it was reported to the Renton Police Department who verified the theft and entered the vehicle information into the state and federal crime

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This classic restored Mercedes 500SL was stolen during a daytime residential burglary.  Thieves found the keys while taking other items from the house. When the crimes were discovered the theft was reported to the Seattle Police Department who verified the theft and entered the vehicle information into the state and federal crime computers which automatically

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