The owners of a 2017 Ford Escape contacted the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department to report that their vehicle had been stolen from the driveway of their residence in the 3500 block of Arville.  The owners had started the Ford and left it running in the driveway while they went into their residence.  When they

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The owner of a 2016 Ford Mustang contacted the Carlsbad Police Department to report that his vehicle had been stolen in the city of Carlsbad. Carlsbad Police Department verified the theft and entered the vehicle information into the state and federal crime computers which automatically activated the LoJack® System concealed in the Ford. Within a

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An employee of a rental company started one of their rental vehicles early in the morning and left it running and unattended only to discover that it had been stolen by person or persons unknown in just a few minutes. A manager reported the theft to the Denver Police Department and an officer had the

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An employee of a rental company started one of their rental vehicles early in the morning and left it running and unattended only to discover that it had been stolen by person or persons unknown in just a few minutes. A manager reported the theft to the Denver Police Department and an officer had the

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